Sunday, November 22, 2009
Japanese tattoo

Japanese tattoos can provide a design that fits into just about anybody’s personal style. This is to create, in effect a delicate balancing of power with beauty. Usually you see Japanese tattoos with very familiar elements. You might seen various depictions of dragons, carp and even cherry blossoms. And these elements can be fit together in a many different and complex ways. Another popular themes among Japanese tattoos are depictions of great or epic battles. Take this Japanese tattoo as an example. It’s a beautifully inked design and one that is very complex. It appears to show a great battle or struggle and it may have taken it’s roots directly from ancient Japanese fables. This Japanese tattoo goes to show you just how complex and breath taking these designs can be. I especially like the dragon that is nestled in between the two warriors. But, I can’t seem to figure out what the dragon is trying to do. Is it decided the outcome of the battle or simply waiting to see who is the victor. Perhaps the dragon in this Japa

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Extreme body modifation -body art
Scarification and Extreme Body Modification
The primary forms of extreme body modification include:
- Branding: body branding is precisely what it sounds like and involves the application of a red hot figure of metal to the skin for the purpose of leaving a scar.
- Scalpelling: consists of the use of a sharp scalpel to make precise incisions in the skin, sometimes with the purpose of removing an entire portion of surface flesh for dynamic scar.
- Implants: there are various types of implants involved in advanced body modification projects, but one of the most common is the implantation of cosmetic spikes into the forehead or eyebrows.
- Beading: beading is a separate form of implanting in which beads are surgically inserted under a persons skin for the purpose creating a symmetrical series of bumps within the flesh.
Friday, November 20, 2009
New Tattoo Designs For the Arm
Most individuals who have jobs where tattoos are generally frowned upon, such as the military or law enforcement, opt to get their artwork placed on the upper arm. In recent years, pieces that were exclusively on the exterior section of the arm have been surpassed in popularity by tattoos that actually wrap around the entire arm. For those who have good muscle tone, this can be particularly attractive as the shading and color work can enhance the visual impact of their muscle. Those who have less-toned muscles have the advantage of having a much more flexible palate on which the artist might work.
Upper arm tattoos can generally be very large and bold as, on occasions when one is required not to display them, they're easily concealed with mid-sleeve shirt. However, those who want to display their tattoos at all times may want to consider moving to a lower section of the arm. Especially in very light-skinned individuals, the upper arms are prone to sun burning and keeping one's tattoos exposed to bright sun not only fades the colors but carries with it the risk of potentially dangerous sun burns. Keep this in mind when choosing this location.
Upper arm tattoos in the form of a wrap-around bands are very popular. These are usually tribal art pieces, consisting of ornate, intertwining and undulating lines that create the illusion of depth. These pieces can be quite striking, particularly when they're located just below the bicep where they increase the visual size of one's arms and where they can create a very masculine, powerful impression. Many women get this area of their body tattooed, as well, as it's a natural location to show off one's artwork when wearing a halter-top or strapless top. On women, the effect is not overly masculine and can set off good bone structure and toned arms.
The upper arms are an excellent choice for those who prefer the classic tattoo style of a self-contained piece that is displayed on the outer arm. Because of the large surface area and the fact that a great deal of that surface area is essentially flat, the upper arm lends itself naturally to portraits and other designs. The lower arms are generally a bolder choice but they, too, can easily display large pieces, particularly on the inner surface where they look particularly attractive on well-muscled individuals with a large canvas on which to work.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
EXTREME NAUGHTY JAPAN Scorpion Tattoo Design
Scorpions are small creatures that have fierce stings. Maybe this is why some people choose to get a scorpion tattoo to show that although they may appear feeble, they can actually hold their ground. Tattoos look awesome in color, but may look tougher in black ink. The choice is yours, but color tattoos often give a softer appearance and add more detail.
Reasons people choose a scorpion tattoo vary. Some get a scorpion portrait because they are a Scorpio, as it relates to horoscopes. Others get the tattoo because a scorpion is a fierce creature, with a tough appearance. The purpose of a tattoo is usually either to represent ones personality, or to show off a neat looking portrait. Often, tattoo artists are able to give the appearance that the scorpion is coming out of your bellybutton or other area on the skin. Without a doubt, the amount of creativity is up to you!
Tattoos represent something about you. A picture of a scorpion inked onto your skin will let others know you mean business. Although scorpions are "tough" looking, they also have a soft side. For instance, some girls have scorpion tattoos on their ankle, which still looks "tough" but adds a soft side to the image as well. A scorpion portrait placed on an arm, shows strength. Guys will often pick a place such as an arm or leg to show they are tough. Using large tattoos is generally considered masculine because the tattoo will cover an entire muscle, instead of being hidden. A tattoo on an ankle, or stomach, is often chosen by girls to show a strong, yet delicate persona.
Since scorpions often live in hot and tough areas, the image of a scorpion shows a person has strength and is able to live through tough moments. This may be why people get scorpion tattoos, to show they are able to make it through difficult situations, and stay strong. The scorpion represents power and force, and proves that size does not matter.

EXTREME NAUGHTY JAPAN Butterfly Tattoo Designs

Common Varieties of Butterfly Tattoo Designs
Butterfly designs can easily be customised to suit the tastes of the wearer by using a variety of different methods. Since the wings are commonly the focus of the butterfly tattoo design, the wings are usually designed using a unique pattern that holds meaning to the person. The pattern that is placed on the wings can modified in any way the person wants. A butterfly tat design pattern can include symbols, initials or even small zodiac signs, in order to make it completely unique to the person who will be wearing it.
Trendy Feet Tattoos: Asian Girl Designs and Symbolism
Asian Flowers, Angels, Star, Foot Tattoo Symbols and Characters, like stars are simple in nature, and are very easy designs for feet tattoos. Flowers represent beauty and femininity and different flowers have different meanings. Depending on the flower, these feet tattoos may represent purity, love or peace.
cute Flower Tattoos designs for woman

The image of a tattoo can be so captivating that it stirs up all our senses. You can have a Rose tattoo with a barbed wire around it and still look very good. It’s Ying and Yang, loving and sweet but authoritative and intimidating. But if you are intending to ink a flower tattoo on your body, it’s best to find out the meaning of the flower and what you want it to represent. You can then combine different images to give contrasting impressions of your tattoos.

Tribal Butterfly and Tattoo Designs for Women

Butterflies are incredible creatures; and because of this, tribal butterfly tattoo designs have become very popular. The tattoo illustrators have designed many original tattoos based on the initial ideas of what these butterflies should look like. Then they have added brighter colors and more highly defined lines to give them a look that says individuality. Women who decided to get this kind of tattoo felt that it adds not only to their attractiveness, but to their personality, making them more interesting, more focused and unique. No one wants to be ordinary anymore and getting a good tattoo makes it so much easier to be yourself, live through the drawings on your body and show others a glimpse of who you are without having to say a single word. Many women believe that the butterfly's story is their own. It is a story of transformation, the ability to change, to make yourself that more confident, more efficient and more attractive. Just like the butterfly that changes from the ordinary caterpillar to the beautiful butterfly with its colorful wings.
BALI Hand BARONG Tattoo Ideas

BALI Hand BARONG Tattoo Ideas - Tattoo Designs
If you are like so many other people out there who are trying to find ankle, stomach, chest, shoulder, leg, hand tattoo ideas, or any other kind of tattoo design ideas, then you probably have grown somewhat frustrated with the lack of original ideas available on the internet. Using Google Images you can obviously find some ideas and examples, but the problem there, is that if you are able to access these tattoo ideas, then you know that millions of others can too; therefore, the chances of someone else getting the same tattoo as you, is much higher. This same principle also holds true to looking through tattoo parlor design books. You may find something you like, but most likely, hundreds of other people have the same thing on their body, I personally do not like that idea.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Betelnut Asian Girl with a Phoenix Back Tattoo

She has this great tattoo of a phoenix, she said it cost NT$80 000. She was featured in today's Apple Daily.
Betelnut girls (Binlang Xi Shi) are a unique part of Taiwan culture. They sit in brightly-decorated glass booths wearing skimpy outfits, and sell cigarettes, drinks and betelnut to passing drivers. It’s a controversial trade but not actually illegal. The question of whether the girls are exploited is open to debate – certainly their own perception is mostly that they are doing a job like any other, and the less they choose to wear, the more they sell. For more info, see and follow the links to the video and pictures.