Monday, November 9, 2009

Options for Women Getting Back Tattoos

Not only do we have to decide what we want for a tattoo we have to decide where to place it and for some women that can be a really huge question. In choosing a large design, the back is a logical solution. Plenty of space and easily covered up when need for work.

But choosing the back can open up a whole new set of questions. Do you utilize the center of your back and have one large back piece or do you use just a shoulder blade.

I would have loved to have one spectacualr tattoo on my back but the cost to me was very prohibitive and time consuming so I chose to have one large piece on my right shoulder blade and intend to do a companion piece on the other side hopefully this year but if not, within a couple of years.

Stop and think about it when you decide you want to have your next (or first) tattoo done about where to place it and how large to go. Also you have to decide if you want to incorporate this piece into something else farther down the line. You will be happier if you think it out before you ink.

Here are some great examples of back choices.






As you can see by these pictures, placement and choice of design really makes a difference so really think about your tattoo before you ink